Dark comedy about a week in the lives of an actor/waiter, a mildly sociopathic Brooklynite, a Greek soap star, a Texan beauty and their epic Greek boss.
All of us have lived and some of us still live in the…
INBETWEEN – the place where we are at the moment and the place where we would rather be.
The job you so much hate and want to quit, and the dream career that would fulfill your childhood fantasies.
The relationship that you find boring and the promising new acquaintance at work who understands the real you.
You get it.
You have been there.
All of us have.
The question is… How long will you stay in the INBETWEEN? Or to put it differently what would it take to make you take the leap of faith?
Set in a family-style Greek Restaurant SOFI’s in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, INBETWEEN is a dark comedy in the style of “the Office” meet “Seinfeld”, which takes an intimate look at the lives of NY transplant – talented but naive actor/waiter Dean, his dog-loving sardonic and mildly sociopathic co-worker – the Brooklynite Tom, a suave opportunistic Greek soap star – Nikos, the self effacing sheltered Texan beauty Kate and their bigger-than-life and ever so slightly prejudiced boss – the Greek matriarch Doris. Shot in a hand-held single camera style for ‘real-life’ look, the series spreads over 20 indoor and exterior locations which gives it a fresh ‘film-like’ feel.
As the busy Sunday night at the Greek Restaurant SOFI’s progresses, Dean is being advanced on by a tipsy porn-star Tanya, Tom battles an old patron nemesis – Mrs. Horrowitz and Nikos makes his advances on a married and pregnant high-powered producer of a popular TV show. In search for her true self Kate has recently started moonlighting as a hostess at the restaurant – a thorn in the eye of her much older husband George, a powerful high-roller Oil magnate, who views his wife more as a trophy than a partner in life and wouldn’t think twice to put her in her place. Kate’s defiance has been craftily encouraged by the larger than life SOFI’s owner – Doris, in an attempt to bring discord amongst the newlyweds and possible chance with George herself.
The following week arrives with even more hijinks for some of our heroes.
Booking a national commercial will set Dean daydreaming and planning for the long awaited path to success as his uncanny likeness to Alan Alda will test his dedication and resolve for making it as an actor in this town. A last minute decision of his to stand up for himself will get him into some precariously dicey waters.
An impromptu hunting trip to Malibu Canyon and a surprise visit by Tom’s childhood friend – Frank will eventually lead to circumstances where Tom has to face up to Mel Gibson causing his world to turn upside down and leave nothing but rubble and ashes in its wake.
A burgeoning disagreement between Kate and George about the functions of a woman in a traditional Greek household will precipitate Kate’s coming of age and strengthen her resolution to stand up for her independence.
Smarmy second attempt by Nikos’s to ingratiate himself with ‘Grey’s’ producer Betty crashes and burns with a the hollow thud of embarrassment which would only make the brazen Greek ex-soap star aim his redoubled effort at KOJAK’s Ex – Sally Savalas.
A routine medical check-up will return some harrowing results for Doris, which will make her re-evaluate and mend her relationship with her estranged mixed race son.
The decisions Dean, Tom, Kate, Nikos and Doris will make would rock that seemingly cushy restaurant world not to leave anybody’s life the same.